WhosPayin Credit Card Roulette


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Who's Paying - Credit Card Roulette is a game of chance to decide which person or party pays for a bill. Typically the bill is for a restaurant meal, but can be for something as casual as a cup of coffee or a gift. Every party member or player is represented by a virtual Credit Card. Once you decide on the game type and select the number of players you are ready to find out Who's Paying by playing our version of Credit Card Roulette. In Who's Paying - Credit Card Roulette, you can play 2 different ways; Quick Play or Elimination. In Quick Play, the first credit card landed on is Who's Paying. In elimination, players credit cards are slowly eliminated 1 by 1 until 2 credit cards remain. At this point you can either split the bill or try your luck and see if you are the lucky one Who's Paying.
When you are done playing Who's Paying - Credit Card Roulette, you can post a thank you message to Who's Paying directly on your facebook page from the app.